What We Do

In over 40 years in the art restoration business, paintings of all kinds, origin, and age have come across us. The goal is to always preserve an artist’s work without taking away from it through the restoration and conservation processes. Each painting has its own story and a path of life that deserves individual analysis and treatment. Below you will find a number of methods and techniques for oil painting restoration that we cover in our classes. Anything from cleaning the surface to severe damage repairs such as paint loss, tear mending, and canvas re-stretching. Antique art is unpredictable with many mysteries that can be revealed under countless layers of history.

The Process of Cleaning

Cleaning surtface dirt.

Discolored varnish removal.

Overpaint removal.

Discover the mysteries under the many layers of history.

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Previous Restoration Reversal

Removal of poor or aged restoration.

Analyzing paint layers.

You never know what you can uncover.

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Damage Repair

Paint consolidation.

Paint loss restoration.

Lining, edgelining, patching.

Tear mending.

Bring art to live.

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Re-Touching and Inpainting.

Learn how to preserve art.

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